Secure the Process: Verifiable chain of custody, reconciliation and brand protection... at every step of the way.

Our intelligent hub provides you with a consolidated view across the entire refresh cycle. Once your circular economy ventures outside your own four walls, Echonos continues to keep a watchful eye. We protect you and we protect your customers.

We track your assets through multiple milestones across any number of providers globally.
Knowing where your product is at any point in time is key to ensure compliance.
Knowing that your product is handled the right way by your network of providers is key to optimize your financial and sustainable outcome.

We ensure that all your providers - whether just one, or many - work within the same process.

Our intelligent hub governs multiple reconciliation points to safeguard the integrity of your circular economy projects.
Echonos employs a patent-pending process to balance what your providers received against what left your ecosystem.
If there is a mismatch, Echonos manages the collaboration between your providers to resolve the discrepancy.

Our intelligent hub measures multiple levels of discrepancy and reconciliation metrics and orchestrates a collaborative partnership towards resolution.

Visibility and control over your entire circular economy value-chain, across multiple providers and geographies, along with standardized processes and clean data. Your brand and your reputation, protected.

We provide comprehensive closed-loop data to guide your circular economy projects through the right path, securely, sustainably, and with the highest quality.

A successful circular economy project requires flawless settlement at the end of the cycle.
This includes multiple types of data. Echonos defines and enforces a standard dictionary across the network to collect all data from sustainability to revenue, from engineering and quality to compliance and from logistics to data destruction.
We close the circular economy loop with data.